Events that are unexpected, spontaneous, and require a proper and immediate response are known as emergencies.
Emergencies can occur at any time and any place, therefore everyone should be prepared for adequate action at such times. Emergencies can require medical as well as technical attentions from the people around. The first responder to an accident or an emergency are bystanders or the people around.
There are three steps for any general emergency situation; observe, help, and call for help. Here are some instructions for every age group regarding the identification and handling of emergencies.
Instructions For Caretakers, Parents, Teachers, and Babysitters
Caretakers, parents, teachers, guardians, babysitters, etc. should know what to do in an emergency. They should not only be prepared for such conditions but also they are responsible for the education of others, especially children, regarding emergencies. The first step to deal with an emergency is to identify an emergency. Everyone should know when to call on emergency helplines, when to ask for help and when to handle the situations themselves.
Minor injuries, minor short circuit fires, and other such minor incidents that can be handled easily do not require the attention of the authorities and emergency departments. A piece of basic knowledge and some techniques can help you to take care of such happenings.
Get yourself prepared for an emergency situation and remember that you’re the first responder at that moment. Don’t panic, stay calm and ask everyone around you to stay calm. If you have children around you, try not to panic them by any action. Remember what to do and when to do it. For instance, a minor fire can be extinguished easily with water, but don’t forget that a short circuit fire should never be extinguished with water and if the fire is growing try to escape the place ASAP and call 911.
If there is an overdose of a drug or there is any sign of poison consumption then try to take necessary measures and call the emergency helplines. In the meantime try to revive the person or contact Poison Control Centre for more information and guidance.
Learn and teach basic survival techniques. Learn CPR and other such medical assistance that can be helpful in an emergency. Teach your kids such techniques and also make sure that the kids remember the emergency helpline. Make them remember the steps and the emergency helplines. If your kids are younger try to make them learn such things in simple ways. Don’t use complicated words. Use simpler words instead. For example, don’t say paramedics, say ambulance instead.
Instructions For Teenagers
If you’ve entered your teenage here are some tips and techniques for you to handle any kind of emergency. First of all, you should know that you’re the first responder at the moment and responsibility lies on you to take measures that are required at that time. there are a lot of things that you are now able to do. Don’t panic at all and don’t forget this. Now analyze the situation and choose the best possible thing that you can do. Don’t try to do everything on your own.
If things are getting worse call 911 immediately. That’s good if you have a mobile phone but don’t worry if you don’t have one. Reach any nearest phone and call 911. You can dial emergency helplines from any phone even if it is locked. If there is anything that you can do at the moment try to do it correctly. Train yourself with the help of your parents, teachers, etc. for such conditions.
Learn some basic medical care, for example dealing with minor bleeding and burns. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from others at any time. Although you’re grown up even the grown-ups need help. Moreover, if you find out any emergency such as drug abuse, drug overdoses, etc the coolest thing to do here is to tell your parents or call 911. Remember the complete address of your house or the place where help is required.
Remember what to do first, make sure what you’re doing is the best thing you should do at the time. Remember that most life-threatening conditions should be dealt with first. Learn CPR and train yourself for that. If you don’t know what to do at any time ask for help from others.
Instructions For Younger Kids
If you’re not a teenager yet, here are some things you can do in an emergencies. The first and the most important thing that you don’t have to do is panicking. Don’t feel afraid, accidents happen and can happen anytime. The thing to do here is to deal with such events. If you see someone lying on the floor or if someone around you is not responding, tell your parents or any adult person around you.
If no one is around you make sure to find a phone near you. The first thing to do now is calling the emergency helpline which is 911. If you have any fire around you or anything that can hurt you or others. First of all, find out a safe place and go there, then ask for help or call 911.
When you call the emergency helpline 911 or any other local helpline, do not hang up the call unless someone on the call asks you to. Follow the instructions of the person talking. Don’t hesitate to tell them your name and address or anything else they ask. Remember your complete address, and explain the situation to the person on call. Remember this helpline number (911) or ask your parents or teacher for the local helpline number. Practice and play mock games with your parents to learn how to deal with emergencies. Also learn how to call from a landline and how to use your parents’ mobile phone, if you don’t have one.
Do not try to make calls to 911 as a joke because it is a crime and don’t hesitate at all if there is an emergency.
- Teaching Your Child How to Use 911 ( - Emergency Preparedness for Children ( - Things To Remember When Calling 911 ( - How to Handle an Emergency ( - Dealing With Emergencies ( - 12 Ways to React in an Emergency to Save Lives ( - What To Do In An Emergency Situation - What You Need To Know ( - 10 Easy Ways to Handle an Emergency Situation (